Thursday, January 31, 2008

Welcome Wine Lovers


You can pay a lot of money for your wine and many times you'll walk away with a great wine. But it certainly won't be a wine "find". The wine "find" is more about discovering excellence before it is generally known.

There are thousand of smaller wineries out there who make wines of distinction by hand and in small volumes. Their practices of dedication, attention to detail, and quality above cost, can yeild wines that are far better, yet will never be well known to the general public.

When the word gets out, their limited production may sell out quickly. If you love it, don;t hesitate. Better yet, sign up as a charter member of thier wine club or preferred customer.

The best experiences in wine tasting and the greatest discoveries are frequently off the beaten path. I'll tell you my secrets if you tell me yours. Whether you like wine on a casual basis or are a passionale vinophile, let's talk about Undiscovered Wine Finds.